A Looking Glass Sanctuary

A Looking Glass Sanctuary is a tract of land in Clinton County on the Looking Glass River that The Fellowship raised funds for, purchased in 2006, and deeded to Michigan Nature Association, in exchange for a conservation easement in perpetuity.

It is the first step by our Land Endowment Committee to take the program into the community and encourage other non-profit groups to establish similar campaigns with the ultimate goal of establishing a green space surrounding the Greater Lansing Area.

Ongoing fundraising projects continue to raise funds to maintain the property and provide for some improvements to the land for everyone’s enjoyment.


A Looking Glass Sanctuary
13.6 Acres in Clinton County

A Looking Glass Sanctuary is located in Clinton County, just a short drive from Lansing. The property was donated to MNA by Fellowship for Today Church in East Lansing with the goal of restoring the land to its native state and creating “a sea of green… instead of buildings”. The preserve consists of southern floodplain forest, wetlands, a prairie habitat and oak uplands;

A Looking Glass Sanctuary

it is named after the Looking Glass River that runs along the East boundary of the preserve. Sandhill cranes have been spotted flying over the sanctuary and a variety of species dwells within the woods.

For more information about the sanctuary and about Michigan Nature Association, click here: www.michigannature.org/home/sancts/lookingglass/lookingglass.shtml

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