Sunday Service

February 9 at 4 PM

Message by Brett Koon

This Sunday we're excited to welcome back Brett Koon for another inspiring message- "Resting As the Stillness."

Plus, we'll enjoy music by Cory Williams.

You can participate in-person or on the Fellowship Facebook livestream at 4 pm.

Brett Koon
Cory Williams

    Sunday Service

    February 16 at 4 PM

    Message by Rev. Sue Quinn

    Rev Sue Quinn will share a message and we'll enjoy music by Whoa Nelly! 

    You can participate in-person or on the Fellowship Facebook livestream at 4 pm.

    Rev. Sue Quinn
    Whoa Nelly

      Come join us:

      Services are held on Sundays at 4:00pm at the Red Cedar Friends Meeting Quaker Church: 1400 Turner St. in Lansing (Old Town).

      You can also join via Livestream on Facebook!

      All Services are uploaded to our YouTube channel and available on our website.

      About us:

      We welcome you to join us Sunday evenings for spiritual fellowship. We are a welcoming, accepting spiritual community for people who may not necessarily like "church" in the traditional sense, but want to share their spiritual journey. Our service is a place of laughter, applause, singing and sharing the principles of unconditional love, trust, peace, compassion and joy.

      View previous talks here!

      See you at the Fellowship!